Sunday, March 12, 2017

Unsupported Claim

Trump's Baseless Wire Tap Claims

Trump makes several tweets accusing Obama to have wiretapped his phones in the Trump Tower ahead of the election. There is no evidence to support his serious accusation nor has he explained what kind of wiretapping it was. He never even mentioned how he was aware of this being done. This is a very serious accusation since he is implying the when Obama was president he broke the law but without any evidence. It is not that surprising since our president tends to make many of these unsupported claims. 


After watching the video from Mayor of Bogota on Public Transportation a lot of things started to make sense. It was amazing to see the impact that bike lanes had on the citizens there. It was mentioned how the way to limit the use of cars was by limiting the available parking in the areas which led to the bike lanes, trains, and buses. From the different types of transportation the lower class was able to feel comfortable riding their own bikes since the Mayor is trying to put the people as a whole before just an individual.

A lot of the components mentioned in the video remind me of Chicago itself. I live near the city and it is always a hassle trying to find parking anywhere downtown. On nice days I prefer to walk a couple of blocks to the blue line and ride the train instead of dealing with the traffic/parking issues there. The city itself makes it easier to rely on public transportation by having multiple bike lanes all over and even offering the opportunity to be able to rent a bike. The bus routes as well as the L that extends to all over the city. It is nice to see the urban designs that contribute to the everyday lives of thousands of people.